海滩的英语是 "beach"。
音标: 英 [bi:tʃ] 美 [bitʃ]
n. 海滩
n. an area of sand sloping down to the water of a sea or lake
v. land on a beach
1. Jippers on a beach, jippers on a beach, jippers on a beach.
啜饮基佩尔 啜饮基佩尔 啜饮基佩尔
2. The best part of the beach isn't the beach.
3. Jippers on a beach, jippers on a beach.
啜饮基佩尔 啜饮基佩尔
4. You wanted to go to the beach, so let's go to the beach.
你想要去海边 那我们就去海边
5. You've never been to the beach. I'm gonna take you to the beach.
你從沒去過海灘 所以我要帶你去
6. I probably know the beach where you landed on and the beach where you arrived.
我可能还知道你们在哪个沙滩着陆 从哪个沙滩靠岸
7. Just think of it as a walk on the beach a beach that's about to explode.
就当作我们是在海滩上散步 一个就要爆炸的海滩
8. Then we will come back to the beaches for more beach fighting.
然后我们会回到海滩 进行更多次海滩大战
9. Yeah, you got us back to a beach, but not our beach.
你是让我们回海滩了 但不是我们的海滩
10. I don't get why we have a summer home by the beach and don't go to the beach.
我不明白为什么我们在海边 有一个避暑别墅 但就是不去海滩
"Beach" 通常指的是沿海或湖边的沙地或石滩,是人们休闲、游泳、晒太阳等活动的场所。在不同的语境中,还可以使用 "shore"、"coast"、"seaside" 等词汇来表达类似的概念。